let's get the whole country talking about Brandon Bernard.

UPDATE, 9:34 PM 12/10:

we were unable to save Brandon – he was pronounced dead at 9:27 PM. thank you everyone for your vigilant efforts. while this was a monumental and unjustifiable loss, we must keep fighting. you can check out the marshall project for more on the united states criminal (in)justice system.

and hang in there.

the rest of the site, for reference:

all you need to know is here!

based off of the letter to trump on that site, this site generates paraphrased templates to send to him, representatives, and the DOJ, so that we can bring this to everyone's attention without being tossed aside, filtered, or ignored*. so without further ado:

*at least, we highly doubt 11,593,290,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 combinations can be filtered.
for whoever may be wondering, that's pronounced 11 duodecillion 593 undecillion 290 decillion. i.e., a lot.

once you've copied your prompt, go ahead and send it to your representatives, the DOJ, and your senators.

go ham on social media, tweet your reps, and make Brandon's case HEARD. we have until Thursday, the 10th.
probably less time than that.
please help.